sekalinya ada komik tentang farmasis, kok ya inti ceritanya ttg gay sih ( = o = )"
emg sih kuliah di farmasi itu mayoritas cewek, tapi kan blom berarti cowok2nya pada jdi homo dan cewek2nya pada jdi lesbian. tapi tetep penasaran sih ma komik
ini. ga ada yg diterbitin di indo? (hahaha!)
Mangaka: Takaido Akemi
Status: 1 volume completeSummary: Honda is a pharmacist who is overworked due to the hospitalization of his co-worker (who he's secretly in love with). Luckily, one of his customers, Sasashi, turns out to be a doctor who is looking for a job. Honda immediately hires him, but then learns that not only was he fired from his previous job for embezzeling, but he's a notorious playboy too.