My fave music right now

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Kinda miss my long hair

I dont know if I fit to long hair or not but kinda miss it :(
Should I let my hair grow long this time?

Pictures were taken in my car on tenth of last december

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mom's calling (1)

Mom: nit, ada mau nitip apa dari bandung?
Me: uhm.. gada deh kyknya

Mom: rudi mau apa?
Me: palingan kopi lagi mah dia senengnya

Mom: kripik iblis gitu mau?
Me: ga ah, kapok makan kyk gitu sm kyk maicih

Mom: ketan?
Me: disini jg ada kali mam -.-'

Mom: mie kocok?
Me: nah boleh deh klo itu, yg enak yaa

Mom: trus?
Me: gada, itu aja deh mam

Mom: yaudah mami bawain ketan oncom ya
Me: lho? Kan tdi udh nita blg nita gamau ketan

Mom: wong ini buat rudi kok, nita kan tdi bilangnya gada mau nitip
Me: i-iya sih.. t-ta-tapi kan..

End call.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

LINE chat with mom

Mom: nit lg apa?
Gw: nonton tv

Mom: udh mkn?
Gw: belom

Mom: mkn lah sana
Gw: blom laper

Mom: mami sih udah
Gw: oh

Mom: mami mau ngomong
Gw: ngomong apa?

 Mom: jgn lwt line, mami males ngetik
Gw: yauda keluar la dri kamar, nita di teras


Thursday, January 30, 2014

I miss her

Miss you, Ms.Korean-look-alike ♥

Pictures were taken at Double Six beach, Seminyak, Bali last december
 FYI, she is my biologically niece in blood fact. But we are more like sisters ♥ hihihi

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Girls react to boys' actions

"Every morning she gets up, she is reaching her cellphone and dialling the redial. Every morning he gets up, he is answering a call while opening his path.
At noon, she makes a call reminding someone over the call to have lunch at time. At the same noon, he is having lunch while opening his path.
At night, she meets up with someone very important in her life recently. At night, he hugs an ordinary girl and go for a while.
When he comes back, that ordinary girl is showing an unknown but super attractive girl's picture on his mobile phone and asking whether he knows her. It looks familiar for him but he gives a NO as an answer. That ordinary girl answers, "oh well, just wanna telling you that she is not accept your friend request yet on path." and that is how he remembers that super attractive girl.

Nobody knows what they are thinking and planning to do. Maybe the guy will trying another socmed to contact that superb girl or hoping to be understand that he's just playing around. Maybe the ordinary girl just realized that someone she treasures at most is spending his morning-noon-night time by looking on pretty girls' pics on socmed or pretend that there is nothing to worry about and keeps on believing him sincerely. Well, this is life, a bittersweet life. Every action reacts to another actions. Every word stands for another words." #basedontruestory #butnotmine #believeitornot #writtingtospendtimewhilelyingonbedandgetsick