My fave music right now

Saturday, April 30, 2011

a boogie saturday

I was celebrating my graduation day with my guys at Nuansa Sky Lounge, Tea Garden, and Retrsospective. WITHOUT BOYFRIEND, of course. Yeah, and I don't care! I think it's better to be surrounded by my bitches (girl-bestfriends) than had a boring-dinner-which-was-called-candle-light-dinner. I can shout "Woo-hoo! Yee-haa!" and whatever I like to say without worrying someone would give a speech about my bad-talking-manner.

Thank you for all, guys!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Happy Graduation!

Today's my graduation day!
Finally, YEAH!

Now, my name becomes longer:
Cyanita Fransiska Bawoni, S.Farm

With my besties: Siti, Fika, and Mimi, we entered and graduated at the same time.
Passed all the exams and studied together.
Have fun and solved problems.

Meanwhile, we are preparing ourselves to higher class: Apothecary class.

Thanks God for all the good and bad times!
And last, I wanna say this:
"Dad, I finally did it!"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Behind The Scene "TUGAS MENUMPUK"

Begitu dapet tugas dari dosen:

  • Hidupin Laptop/Netbook
  • Searching for available network wi-fi
  • Yes, it's connected!

  • Buka Mozilla
  • Buka Google
  • Cari artikel terkait dengan tugas

Yang terjadi:

  • buka mozilla
  • buka google
  • cari artikel
  • sambil nunggu page artikelnya kebuka, buka twitter dulu
  • liat mentions —> retweet
  • liat timeline —> ada link video youtube, diklik—> mulai asik nonton youtube
  • selesai nonton, liat suggestion video —> asik nonton youtube lagi
  • sh*t! lupa sama tugas —> balik ke page artikel —> page sampah, isinya ga nyambung
  • cari lagi artikel tugas di google
  • sambil nunggu pagenya kebuka, buka blogger
  • eh ada update-an dari blog temen —> baca terosssss! —> terinspirasi 'ide' —>ngetik postingan
  • asik nge-posting —> ga sadar udah jam 1 pagi —> ngantuk —> tidur


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Teenage Renesmee

Mackenzie Foy will be playing as young Renesmee in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, as I posted before. And now a teenage-girl is rumored to have been cast as teenage Renesmee.

According to her representation, Performers Management in Vancouver Christie is 5’7, has hazel eyes, brown hair (though her pic totes look more auburn) and weighs 115lbs (plenty light enough for Taylor "Jacob" Lautner to spin her around in throws of adoration, etc).

There is no news from SUMMIT, maybe it's NOT confirmed yet.
Can't wait for it!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Renesmee's cast in Breaking Dawn

Finally! Mackenzie Foy was confirmed to play the role of Renesmee Cullen in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part II. And with CGI effects, her first incarnation will be made by using Rachel St. Gelais and Eliza Faria as Renesmee's body doubles in Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part I.

Anyway, she is a scorpio girl (same with me!) and was born in November 10, 2000. Hey! It just two days after my birthday (don't ask my birth-year, HAHAHA!)

And this is Rachel St.Gelais's picture :) She's cute but looks gonna crying, huh?

And I love this cheerful girl! She's the other Renesmee's body doubles - Eliza Faria.

That's all I can share about Renesmee's cast in the next Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn. Can't wait for watching this movie! Yeayyy!

We should thank the past (?)

Ingat pesan nenek: Jangan jadi kacang lupa kulitnya (loh?)


There are many things I want to wrote here, but none of them come out.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

There are...

No bad foods, just bad diets.

No bad guys, just bad behaviours.

No bad women, just wrong upbringing.

No bad boyfriends, just unlucky.


Aksi Polisi Gorontalo :D

Baru sempat sekarang gw liat video lipsync polisi Gorontalo nyanyi lagu India Chaiya chaiya yang kocak abis!

Yang bikin tambah lucu, dua rekannya mala cuek aja dia nyanyi nari heboh begitu. Satu sempat melihat ke arahnya, yg satu lagi tetep asik main handphone. Hahahahah!

Kabarnya Briptu Norman (nama polisi bersangkutan) bakal diberi sanksi gara-gara video ini. Padahal kan dia cuma mau menghibur, ya ga sih! Daripada dia korupsi (menilang masyarakat sembarangan di jalan trus masukin duit ke kantong sendiri) kan mending dia nyanyi nari begitu, kan ga rugiin negara. Atasannya kesel karena kalah eksis kali ya -.-'

Friday, April 1, 2011


1 April 2011.

Kampus gw USU banjir. Cukup tinggi sampe mobil-mobil dan angkot kaga bisa lewat. Cukup dangkal sampe anak-anak bisa berenang pake ban.


This is today's trending topic, and it comes first! So, I tweeted about it, not much but quite fun.

After one tweeted, another idea comes to my head. And there they are, tweeted. Sorry for my bad grammar, but who cares. No one. Hahaha!

Cyanita Fransiska
I would never date a thirty-more-years-old man! Oh, also a bald-paunchy man!
Cyanita Fransiska
bahasa inggris juga ada yg versi alay: "wut e lyfe!" for "what a life!" ,and another: "sum shyt" for "some shit" HAHA!
Got damn itt Ree !
by cyan1108
"@: "Girls can fake orgasms, but guys can fake whole relationships"" Love this !
Cyanita Fransiska
people said I've changed a lot. But actually, they did more.
Cyanita Fransiska
I hate the boys who love me and love the boys who ignore me HAHA!
Cyanita Fransiska
I like girls
Cyanita Fransiska
Dear teachers, I'm sorry I didn't realize that jeans would affect my education. Sincerely, pharmacy students.